Discover the Positive Energy Hall Vastu Shastra Colours for Living Room

Discover the Positive Energy Hall Vastu Shastra Colours for Living Room

Selecting the right colours for your living room plays a crucial role in shaping the energy within your home. Vastu Shastra emphasises the significance of colours in fostering positive vibes. The hues you choose for your living space can either enhance harmony or introduce negativity. In this guide, we’ll look into the art of selecting positive energy hall Vastu Shastra colours for the living room to create a living room brimming with positive energy and happiness.

Understanding the principles of Vastu is pivotal in making informed decisions about the colours and positive energy in your living room. By exploring the recommended living room colours according to Vastu and avoiding those that may attract disharmony, you can actively contribute to creating a space that radiates positivity for your family’s well-being.

What is the Vastu Shastra for Living Room Colours to Get Positive Energy?

In Vastu Shastra, the choice of colours for the living room plays a crucial role in attracting positive energy. Earthy tones such as beige, light yellow, or shades of green are recommended as they are believed to create a balanced and calming environment. Avoiding dark and intense colours is advised, as they may obstruct positive energy flow. Additionally, incorporating elements like paintings or decor in warm hues can enhance the overall positivity in the living space, according to Vastu principles.

It’s essential to consider the orientation of the living room and the specific energies associated with different colours. Balancing the colour scheme with the room’s direction can contribute to a more auspicious and energetically favourable atmosphere, promoting well-being and positivity for the occupants.

Importance of Colours and Positive Energy in Vastu Shastra

In Vastu Shastra, colours hold paramount importance as they are believed to influence positive energies and create harmonious vibrations within a space. According to Vastu principles, specific colours concentrated in different parts of the house can enhance positive vibes in the living room. Colours, with their direct impact on the mind and emotions, play a crucial role in shaping the energy of a space.

Choosing the right combination of Vastu colours for the living room evokes feelings of peace, happiness, joy, and prosperity, thereby contributing to a positive and balanced home environment. The mindful selection of colours in alignment with Vastu guidelines is considered an integral aspect of creating a peaceful living space that positively influences one’s life.

Living Room Colours as per Vastu to Get Positive Energy

Creating a balanced living space is essential for overall well-being, and Vastu Shastra offers valuable insights into the arrangement and colours of rooms to enhance positive energy.

Here are the recommended living room colours according to Vastu principles to foster a vibrant and uplifting environment in your home.

Blue and White Classic Combination

The blue and white combination is visually appealing and aligns with Vastu principles. Blue, representing the element of water, is believed to bring a sense of calmness and emotional balance. White, associated with purity, enhances the overall positive energy in the living room. Together, they create an atmosphere conducive to open communication and mental clarity, fostering a serene environment for family gatherings and discussions.

Yellow Combinations

Yellow, the colour of the sun, is considered auspicious in Vastu. It is believed to bring warmth and positivity to the living room. Combining yellow with other cheerful colours like orange or green can enhance the lively energy of the space. This combination is particularly suitable for social areas, promoting a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere for guests.

Orange, White & Brown Combination

Incorporating orange, white, and brown in the living room creates a harmonious blend of energy. Orange symbolises enthusiasm and creativity, while white signifies purity and clarity. Brown, associated with the earth element, adds stability and grounding. This combination fosters a balanced environment, encouraging both energy and stability within the living space.

Blue and Green Combination

Blue and green, representing the water and wood elements, respectively, are known for their calming and refreshing qualities. This combination is believed to bring balance and harmony to the living room. The calming influence of blue, combined with the rejuvenating energy of green, creates a space that promotes relaxation and well-being.

Brown Shades

Brown is a neutral and earthy colour associated with stability and security. In Vastu, it is considered grounding and supportive of a balanced lifestyle. Different shades of brown, from light tan to deep chocolate, can be incorporated through furniture, decor, or accent walls to bring a sense of warmth and stability to the living room.

Purple Wall Colour

Purple, often associated with luxury and spirituality, is believed to stimulate creativity and enhance a sense of abundance. In Vastu, it is considered a colour that encourages a connection with higher consciousness. Using purple as a wall colour or through decor accents can add a touch of elegance and inspiration to the living room.

Pink Colour

Pink, representing love and compassion, is a colour that symbolises nurturing energy. Incorporating shades of pink in the living room creates a warm and comforting environment. It’s particularly suitable for spaces where relaxation and emotional well-being are priorities, such as family lounging areas.

Red Colour

Red, a powerful and energising colour, is associated with passion and vitality. While it can add vibrancy and excitement to the living room, using it in moderation is recommended. Red accents, such as cushions or artwork, can infuse energy without overwhelming the space, promoting a dynamic yet balanced atmosphere.

Blue Hues

Different shades of blue offer various effects in the living room. Lighter blues, such as sky blue or powder blue, create a serene atmosphere, ideal for relaxation. Deeper blues, like navy or indigo, add a touch of sophistication and depth, fostering a sense of calmness and introspection.

Sea Green Colour

Sea green, a blend of blue and green, combines the calming properties of both colours. It is believed to bring balance and harmony to the living room, promoting a connection with nature. This colour choice creates a refreshing and soothing environment, making it suitable for spaces dedicated to relaxation and contemplation.

Light Grey Walls

Light grey, being a neutral colour, serves as a versatile backdrop for various decor styles. It creates a modern and sophisticated look in the living room. The neutrality of light grey allows for easy coordination with other colours and textures, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a contemporary and adaptable living space.

Off-white Wall Colour

Off-white, with its subtle and calming undertones, symbolises purity and simplicity. Using off-white as a wall colour in the living room contributes to an airy and open feel. Off-white is a timeless choice that complements a wide range of design styles, promoting a sense of elegance and tranquillity in the living space.

Negative Vastu Colours for Living Room

In Vastu Shastra, the selection of colours holds profound significance, as they can influence the energy and ambience within a living space. While positive colours contribute to harmony and well-being, certain negative colours are believed to disrupt the flow of positive energy. When it comes to the living room, being mindful of these negative Vastu colours becomes essential to create a balanced and positive environment.

Dark Shades of Red

Dark red tones symbolise passion and intensity, which can evoke strong emotions. In Vastu, an excess of dark red in the living room may lead to heightened stress levels and unnecessary conflicts among occupants. Consider incorporating lighter shades of red or balancing it with contrasting colours to maintain a more harmonious atmosphere.

Dark Shades of Black

Black is often associated with mystery and depth but is also considered a colour that absorbs positive energy. Using too much black in the living room can create a heavy and sombre atmosphere, potentially leading to a sense of emotional fatigue. Introduce black sparingly or in combination with vibrant colours to avoid overwhelming the space with negativity.

Dark Shades of Grey

Dark Grey, being a neutral colour, can convey sophistication but may also symbolise dullness and lack of vibrancy. In Vastu, an overabundance of grey in the living room may contribute to a sense of monotony and stagnation. Consider incorporating accents of lively colours or patterns to infuse energy into the space and counterbalance the neutrality of grey.

Dark Shades of Blue

Light shades of blue are known for their calming effects, but darker blues may be associated with melancholy and introspection. Excessive use of dark blue in the living room may create a cool and emotionally distant ambience, potentially affecting interpersonal relationships. Opt for lighter shades of blue or balance darker tones with warm accents to maintain a more inviting and balanced living space.

Dark Shades of Purple

Dark purple is often linked to luxury, mystery, and unpredictability. In Vastu, using deep or dark shades of purple in the living room might introduce an element of ambiguity and may not promote a sense of stability. Consider incorporating lighter shades of purple or combining them with other stable colours to maintain a sense of balance and harmony in the living area.

Tips and Tricks for Living Room Colour Combinations as per Vastu

Here, we’ll explore tips and tricks to enhance your living room’s ambience according to Vastu principles, which will help you create a space that looks appealing and promotes a balanced and positive atmosphere.

Using Accent Colours

Accent colours play a significant role in Vastu-compliant living rooms. According to Vastu, certain colours attract specific energies. Consider incorporating vibrant accent colours like red, green, or gold to infuse positive vibes. These can be introduced through accessories, cushions, or artwork, providing a dynamic visual appeal without overpowering the entire room.

Combining Cool and Warm Colours

Achieving a balance between cool and warm colours is crucial in Vastu design. Cool colours like blues and greens promote tranquillity, while warm colours such as yellows and oranges bring warmth and vitality. Blend these tones strategically; for instance, use cool colours for larger surfaces like walls and warm tones for furniture or smaller decor items to create a harmonious balance.

Creating a Harmonious Colour Scheme

Vastu emphasises the significance of a balanced colour scheme. Stick to a maximum of three primary colours to avoid visual clutter. Neutral tones like beige, ivory, or light grey can serve as a backdrop, while the main colours can be introduced through furniture, curtains, and accent pieces. This balanced approach ensures a visually appealing and energetically harmonious living room.

Adding Textures and Patterns

Texture and pattern introduce depth and interest to your living space, contributing to a well-rounded Vastu-compliant design. Consider incorporating textured fabrics for upholstery or throw pillows and subtle patterns on curtains or rugs. This adds a tactile dimension to the room and complements the colour scheme, creating a visually appealing and energetically balanced environment.

Living Room Vastu Shastra Tips for Positive Energy

  1. Position the main seating or living area towards the north or east direction to harness the sun’s positive energy.
  2. Maintain a clutter-free environment to allow the smooth flow of energy. Remove unnecessary items and organise furniture for open pathways.
  3. Maximise natural light by using sheer curtains or blinds. Adequate sunlight promotes positivity and enhances the overall ambience.
  4. Opt for earthy tones like beige, green, or brown for walls and furnishings. These colours are believed to create a grounding and serene atmosphere.
  5. Introduce indoor plants and fresh flowers to enhance oxygen levels and contribute to a vibrant and uplifting atmosphere.
  6. Hang pictures of your family in the living room, as they can build strong relationships and bring positivity in the living room.
  7. Refrain from placing cactus in the living room as it can damage relationships among the house members.
  8. Position the mirrors on the north or east walls to attract positive energies
  9. Incorporate the five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space – in your decor. This balance is thought to create a harmonious living space.
  10. Keep electronic devices and gadgets in the southeast direction to align with the fire element and reduce potential Vastu imbalances.
  11. Arrange furniture to facilitate easy conversation and create a warm and inviting atmosphere for family and guests.
  12. Display positive symbols or artwork that resonates with joy and harmony, contributing to a positive and uplifting vibe in the living room.

Vastu Shastra Tips for Positive Energy in Home

  1. Direction Matters Terrace, deck, and balcony in north, east, or northeast for positive energy. Keeping their floor lower fosters a harmonious energy flow within the house.
  2. Clean Entrance: A neat entrance with decorative elements creates a positive first impression and sets the tone for positive energy and prosperity within the home.
  3. Colour Harmony: Light colours like cream, beige, and white allow natural light to bounce through the home, promoting a vibrant and positive atmosphere. Consider incorporating neutral hues or calming tones of blue and green.
  4. Furniture Placement: According to Vastu Shastra, placing heavy furniture in the south or west areas of the house is recommended. Ensure that you sit facing north or east when using the furniture for optimal energy alignment.
  5. Sacred Turtle: The sacred turtle, associated with Lord Vishnu, is considered a lucky object promoting positive energy flow throughout the home. Its presence is believed to bring good fortune.
  6. Wind Chimes: In recent times, wind chimes have become increasingly popular due to their calming influence on the human brain. They expel the bad energy and produce positive energy, uplifting aura that the home needs.
  7. Mirror Caution: Avoid installing mirrors or televisions in front of beds to prevent the reflection of a person, which is thought to invite negative energy. This practice aims to maintain harmony among family members.
  8. Green Allies: While plants instantly brighten up spaces and exude positive energy, it’s essential to avoid placing them in the north and east, ensuring that they don’t hinder the flow of sunlight and fresh air.
  9. Bathroom Ventilation: A bathroom with a window or proper ventilation facilitates the release of negative energy and welcomes positive energy, contributing to a healthier living environment.
  10. Swing Direction: Swings not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of a house but also provide functional relaxation. Placing a swing in the auspicious north direction aligns with Vastu principles.
  11. Well-lit Atmosphere: According to Vastu Shastra, sitting in a dark room is considered inauspicious. Therefore, choosing soothing lights and fairy lights can create a warm and cosy atmosphere, fostering positive vibes within the home.

Benefits of Positive Energy in Living Room as per Vastu

  1. Harmony and Peace: Positive energy in the living room promotes a harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, creating a conducive environment for relaxation and family bonding.
  2. Enhanced Social Interactions: The positive vibes encourage open communication and strengthen social interactions among family members and guests, fostering a sense of unity.
  3. Stress Reduction: A positively charged living room helps alleviate stress and anxiety, providing a sanctuary where occupants can unwind and rejuvenate.
  4. Improved Concentration: Positive energy contributes to better focus and concentration, making the living room an ideal space for reading, working, or engaging in thoughtful conversations.
  5. Health and Well-being: Vastu-compliant positive energy may have potential health benefits, contributing to overall well-being and vitality for those spending time in the living room.
  6. Attracts Prosperity: Positive energy is believed to attract prosperity and abundance into the home, creating an environment where financial well-being is nurtured.
  7. Positive Family Dynamics: The living room, radiating positive energy, supports positive family dynamics, reducing conflicts and fostering a nurturing atmosphere for personal growth.
  8. Guest Comfort: Guests will likely feel more comfortable and welcomed in a living room filled with positive energy, enhancing the overall hosting experience.
  9. Creativity and Inspiration: Positive energy can stimulate creativity and inspire innovative thinking, making the living room a conducive space for brainstorming and artistic pursuits.
  10. Balanced Energy Flow: Vastu principles ensure a balanced flow of energy in the living room, preventing stagnant or negative energy pockets and contributing to a vibrant and uplifting ambience.


Incorporating Vastu-compliant colours in your living room can significantly influence the overall energy and ambience of your home. Understanding the principles behind each colour and their impact on positive energy flow allows you to create a harmonious living space that promotes well-being and balance.

What is the Vastu Shastra for living room colours to get positive energy?

In Vastu Shastra, selecting the right colours for your living room is crucial for attracting positive energy. Colours influence the overall vibe of the space, impacting the well-being of its inhabitants. Vastu provides specific guidelines on choosing colours to enhance positive energy flow.

Importance of colours and positive energy in Vastu Shastra:

Colours play a pivotal role in Vastu Shastra, affecting the energy balance within a home. Each colour is associated with particular elements and energies, influencing the ambience and psychological well-being of the residents. Understanding this significance helps create a harmonious living environment.

Living room colours as per Vastu to get positive energy:

Adheres to Vastu principles with colour combinations in the living room. Opt for a calming blue and white combination to enhance serenity. Bring positivity and warmth with yellow tones, blending them with other colours for energy balance. Create a cosy atmosphere with an earthy orange, white, and brown mix, promoting positive energy flow.

Negative Vastu colours for living room:

Dark Shades of Red, Black, Grey, Blue, Purple – According to Vastu, these colours are associated with negative energies and should be used sparingly in the living room to avoid disrupting the positive energy flow.

Tips and tricks for living room colour combinations as per Vastu:

For a Vastu-compliant living room, incorporate accent colours strategically to add depth and vibrancy. Balance cool and warm tones for a dynamic and inviting space, promoting a well-rounded energy flow. Enhance visual interest by integrating various textures and patterns within the approved colour palette, fostering a stimulating yet harmonious environment.

Living room Vastu Shastra tips for positive energy:

  • Ensure proper lighting to enhance positive energy flow.
  • Keep the living room clutter-free to allow energy to circulate freely.
  • Position furniture to facilitate easy movement and a balanced energy distribution.
  • Use natural elements like plants and crystals to amplify positive energies.

Vastu Shastra tips for positive energy in the home:

  • Maintain cleanliness and orderliness throughout the home.
  • Allow natural light and fresh air to enter the living space.
  • Choose artwork and decor that resonate positively with the inhabitants.
  • Keep the entrance well-lit and welcoming to attract positive energy.

Benefits of positive energy in the living room, as per Vastu:

  • Enhances overall well-being and mental clarity.
  • Fosters positive relationships and harmony among family members.
  • Promotes a sense of peace and relaxation in the home environment.
  • Creates a conducive atmosphere for socialising and bonding.


What is Vastu Shastra for positive energy in the living room?

Arrange the living room furniture to allow free flow of energy, avoiding clutter. Place a few green plants in the southeast corner for positivity. Paint the living room walls with earthly tones to have a peaceful atmosphere in the house.

What is Vastu Shastra for living room colours to get positive energy?

Opt for soothing colours like light green, blue, or beige in the living room. Avoid any dark shades and choose colours that promote a calming atmosphere.

What is the importance of colours and positive energy in the living room in Vastu Shastra?

Colours play a crucial role in Vastu for the living room. Harmonious colours enhance positivity and well-being, fostering a balanced energy flow within the space.

What are the living room Vastu Shastra tips for positive energy?

Ensure the living room is well-lit with natural light. Use mirrors to amplify positive energy and place them on the north or east walls for optimal results.

What are the Vastu Shastra tips for positive energy in the home?

To enhance positive energy in your home, incorporate elements like wind chimes and fresh flowers. Keep the space well-ventilated for good energy circulation.

Which are the positive energy Vastu colours for home?

Vastu-approved colours for positive energy include light shades of green, blue, yellow, and beige. Choose colours that resonate with your personal preferences while aligning with Vastu principles.

Which are the Vastu-approved colours for positivity in the living room?

Stick to Vastu-approved colours like light blue, light green, or white for the living room. These colours promote a positive and vibrant atmosphere while avoiding darker tones.

Which are the negative Vastu colours for the living room?

Negative Vastu colours for the living room include deep red and black. These colours may disrupt positive energy flow and create a heavy atmosphere.

Does the red colour in the living room bring positive energy as per Vastu?

The red colour in the living room, as per Vastu, is associated with energy and passion. While it can bring vibrancy, use it in moderation to avoid overwhelming the space.

Does the blue colour bring positive energy to the living room?

The blue colour in the living room is considered calming and conducive to the positive energy in Vastu. Use light blue or aqua shades to create a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

What are the benefits of positive energy in the living room as per Vastu?

According to Vastu, positive energy in the living room promotes harmony, happiness, and overall well-being. It fosters a welcoming environment for family and guests.

What are the effects of positive energy colours on the home?

Colours influence emotions and energy levels. Positive energy colours like light greens and blues in the home can induce calmness, reduce stress, and contribute to a harmonious living environment.