Vastu-approved Sleeping Positions for Blissful Nights

Vastu-approved Sleeping Positions for Blissful Nights

This comprehensive guide explores the principles of sleeping positions according to Vastu Shastra, shedding light on the ancient Indian philosophy that believes in aligning oneself with positive energies for a harmonious and restful sleep.

Understanding the significance of proper sleeping directions can contribute to overall well-being and balance in one’s life.

What is the Vastu for Sleeping Position?

According to Vastu Shastra, the direction you sleep in is crucial to your well-being. The preferred sleeping position is with your head pointing south, aligning with the Earth’s electromagnetic pull. This is believed to promote deep sleep and overall good health. Additionally, sleeping with your head towards the east is said to benefit students by enhancing memory and focus, while the west direction is recommended for those aspiring for fame, power, wealth, or prestige.

Vastu principles extend to the bedroom layout, suggesting that the master bedroom should ideally be in the southwest area of the house. Achieving balance in your sleeping environment involves not only direction but also factors like dim lighting, calming wall colours, and comfortable bedding. While Vastu blends ancient wisdom with modern comfort, they underline the importance of aligning oneself with natural forces for a restful night’s sleep.

Importance of the Right Sleeping Position as per Vastu

Vastu Shastra, has significantly influenced architectural and design principles, particularly in the context of sleeping directions. According to Vastu, the optimal sleeping position is facing south, followed by east. These orientations are believed to facilitate deep and undisturbed sleep, positively impacting an individual’s energy.

In the wake of the pandemic, where lifestyles have shifted and priorities have evolved, the importance of a good night’s sleep has gained prominence. Beyond material achievements like money and fame, people are recognising the crucial role of peaceful sleep in maintaining overall well-being. As per Vastu, the emphasis on sleeping direction reflects a growing awareness of how aligning with these principles can contribute to the quality of one’s sleep experience, fostering a sense of balance and tranquillity in challenging times.

Guide to Sleeping Position as per Vastu

The direction of bed in different areas of the house, particularly in master bedrooms, couples, and even children, is believed to influence the quality of sleep and various aspects of life.

Position of Bed as per Vastu

The orientation of your bed holds significance according to Vastu principles. For the master bedroom, aligning the bed towards the south or east is advised. This influences sleep quality and is associated with feelings of contentment and positive energy. Avoiding direct alignment of the legs with bedroom doors is emphasised to prevent potential disturbances, such as nightmares.

Sleeping Position in Master Bedroom

In the master bedroom, Vastu advises placing the bed either in the south or east direction for optimal results. Sleeping in the east is said to bring about happiness and fortune while fostering positive energy and contentment. The alignment of the bed plays a crucial role, emphasising that legs should not directly face bedroom doors to avoid potential nightmares. Sleeping on the side or back is recommended over stomach sleeping, promoting spine support and muscle relaxation.

Sleeping Position for Couples

For couples, Vastu suggests positioning the head towards the south, southeast, or southwest during sleep. It strongly discourages sleeping with the head towards the north, as it can lead to stress and exhaustion. The location of the bed in the south or southwest area is favoured, and it’s advised that the wife sleeps on the left side of her husband for a harmonious marital relationship.

Sleeping Position for Kids

In the children’s bedroom, Vastu recommends the west direction. Children are advised to sleep with their heads facing east or south for a tranquil and peaceful sleep experience. Additionally, the southwest location is considered fortunate. The direction of sleep for children impacts qualities such as calmness, concentration, memory power, and overall attitude. East direction is particularly recommended for better academic achievements and for enhancing blood flow to the brain.

Direction to Sleep as Per Vastu

Experts suggest that sleeping with the head towards the east is beneficial, especially for individuals in academic fields such as students, professors, and scholars. This orientation is believed to enhance memory and academic achievements due to improved blood flow to the brain.

Vastu Tips for Sleeping Position

  1. Place your bed in the southwest corner of the bedroom for stability and security.
  2. Avoid positioning the bed under a beam to prevent negative energy.
  3. Ensure your head points towards the south while sleeping for better health.
  4. Place a solid wall behind the bed to symbolize support and strength.
  5. Avoid mirrors reflecting the bed, as they can disturb sleep energy.
  6. Keep the bedroom clutter-free to promote a calm and peaceful atmosphere.
  7. Use soothing colours like light blue or green for the bedroom walls.
  8. Avoid electronic devices and sharp objects in the bedroom for a serene environment.
  9. Keep the bedroom well-ventilated and maintain a comfortable room temperature.
  10. Ensure the bed is placed a few inches away from the bedroom walls for positive energy flow.

Best Sleeping Positions as per Vastu

The way you position yourself while sleeping is believed to influence your overall well-being. Here, we explore the recommended sleeping directions according to Vastu and their associated benefits.

Head in South Direction

Sleeping with your head in the south direction is considered ideal in Vastu. This position aligns with the house of deity Yama, promoting wealth, happiness, and positivity. It harmonises with Earth’s magnetic field, enhancing positive vibrations and eliminating negativity. Recommended for quality sleep, particularly in the northern hemisphere, this orientation significantly improves well-being.

Head in East Direction

Sleeping with your head in the east direction is highly recommended in Vastu, as it taps into the energy and power emanating from the sunrise. This orientation promotes sound sleep and a refreshed morning while also enhancing concentration and memory, especially beneficial for students, teachers, professors, and research scholars. Implementing this practice from an early age aids in children’s overall progress, aligning them with positive energies for a successful start in life.

Head in Southeast Direction

Sleeping with your head in the Southeast direction is considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra. This position is believed to ignite inner creativity, making it especially beneficial for individuals involved in artistic pursuits. The southeast energies are thought to kindle an inner fire, fostering a positive and dynamic environment during sleep. For those seeking inspiration and a boost in creative thinking, aligning the head towards the Southeast is recommended.

Head in Southwest direction

Vastu Shastra guides couples, suggesting that the south or southwest direction is ideal for a shared sleeping arrangement. Aligning your head towards these directions is believed to promote relaxation and attract positive energy, contributing to a harmonious relationship. This recommendation is often extended to couples looking for stability, peace, and positive influences in their lives. The southwest direction is thought to nurture a sense of security and well-being.

Positions to Avoid While Sleeping as per Vastu

According to Vastu directions, your sleeping direction is crucial in influencing your health and mental state. Here, we’ll explore the cautioned sleeping positions as per Vastu, shedding light on the potential effects on physical and mental health.

Head in North Direction

Sleeping with your head in the north direction is considered unfavourable in Vastu. This position is believed to create tension that may lead to headaches and other health issues. The magnetic field influences the iron-enriched blood flow, potentially causing strain to the heart and brain. In Hindu tradition, it is a custom to lay a dead body with its head in the north until cremation, signifying the route the soul takes while leaving the body.

Head in West Direction

Sleeping with your head in the west direction is considered neutral in Vastu, lacking the pronounced benefits of east or south orientations. However, it offers advantages for success in business or the workplace, aiding in seizing opportunities. This position also helps dispel negative energies. While not universally recommended, it is suggested for individuals seeking specific benefits, making it a viable choice for certain circumstances.

Head in Northeast Direction

Avoid sleeping with your head pointed towards the northeast direction, according to Vastu guidelines. This direction is associated with unsettling and potentially harmful magnetic fields. The northeast is considered the origin of the Earth’s energy fields, and sleeping in this direction may disrupt normal sleeping patterns.

Benefits of Right Sleeping Position as per Vastu

According to Vastu, the orientation of your sleeping position is believed to influence various aspects of your well-being.

Head Towards South – Longevity

Positioning your head towards the south is thought to align with cosmic energy, fostering an environment conducive to physical well-being. The south direction is considered a source of powerful, positive energies, and sleeping in this direction is believed to enhance the body’s ability to absorb these energies. Consequently, adherents of Vastu believe that such alignment can contribute to a longer and healthier life. This practice is often recommended for individuals seeking to promote overall longevity and vitality.

Head Towards East – Improves Intellect

Aligning your head towards the east during sleep is associated with enhancing intellectual capabilities. Vastu links the east with the rising sun, symbolising knowledge and wisdom. This direction is believed to be rich in positive solar energy, and positioning your head towards the east is thought to facilitate the absorption of these energies. As a result, adherents believe that this practice can positively impact mental clarity, focus, and overall cognitive functions. It is often recommended for students or individuals seeking to sharpen their intellectual powers.

Effects of Wrong Sleeping Position as per Vastu

The importance of a good night’s sleep extends beyond mere restfulness; it plays a pivotal role in our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Though often overlooked, negative sleeping positions can profoundly affect various aspects of our lives.

Mental Sickness

Poor sleeping positions are linked to mental health issues such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Disrupted sleep patterns can contribute to a cascade of negative effects on psychological well-being, affecting mood stability and overall mental health.

Miserable Day

The discomfort stemming from negative sleeping positions can result in a restless night, setting the stage for a day filled with fatigue, irritability, and an inability to concentrate. Such days may become recurrent, impacting one’s quality of life and productivity.

Bad Luck

While not scientifically proven, chronic poor sleep is often associated with cognitive impairments. This may influence decision-making abilities and contribute to an increased perception of “bad luck.” The connection between disrupted sleep and cognitive function is a topic that continues to be explored.

Reduced Life Span

Prolonged exposure to improper sleeping positions has been correlated with various health problems, potentially contributing to a shorter life span. The body’s ability to recover and regenerate during sleep is compromised, leading to a higher risk of developing chronic health conditions.

Drained Energy

Inadequate sleep disrupts the body’s essential rejuvenation process. Individuals who consistently experience negative sleeping positions may find themselves feeling lethargic, both physically and mentally. This drained energy can impact daily activities and overall vitality.

Decreased Productivity

Insufficient rest directly impacts cognitive functions, memory, and focus. This, in turn, hampers productivity and efficiency in daily tasks. The consequences of decreased productivity extend beyond the immediate, affecting one’s professional and personal life.

Advantages of Adhering to Vastu Guidelines for Sleeping Positions

In Vastu Shastra, the art of harmonising living spaces and sleeping positions holds a significant role.

Enhanced Health and Well-being

Aligning your sleeping direction with Vastu is thought to tap into the Earth’s magnetic field, promoting better blood circulation and overall physical health. It is believed that sleeping with your head towards the south enhances energy levels, aids digestion, and contributes to a more robust immune system.

Improved Quality of Sleep

Vastu recommends placing the head in the south or east direction while sleeping. This positioning is believed to align the body with natural magnetic forces, leading to a deeper and more rejuvenating sleep. Positive energy flow is optimised, resulting in a sense of tranquillity and improved sleep quality.

Positive Energy Flow

Vastu emphasises the flow of positive energy, and the bedroom is considered a sacred space where this energy should be nurtured. Arranging the bed in line with Vastu principles is believed to facilitate the smooth flow of positive energy, fostering a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere conducive to overall well-being.

Peace of Mind

Positioning the bed according to Vastu guidelines creates a protective energy shield, promoting a sense of security and peace of mind. By minimising disruptions in the sleeping environment, individuals may experience reduced mental stress and anxiety, contributing to a more serene state of mind.

Better Relationships

Vastu principles extend to promoting harmony in relationships. Placing the bed in a manner aligned with cosmic energies is believed to enhance understanding and communication between partners, fostering a positive and loving atmosphere in the bedroom that can positively impact the overall quality of relationships.

Increased Concentration

Quality sleep is vital for cognitive function, and Vastu-aligned sleeping positions are believed to optimize this aspect. Placing the bed in a recommended direction may enhance concentration and mental clarity, supporting improved focus and productivity in daily activities.

Spiritual Growth

Vastu, deeply rooted in spiritual philosophy, extends its influence to personal spaces. Sleeping in alignment with Vastu principles is believed to create an environment conducive to spiritual growth. This alignment is thought to enhance meditation practices, promote introspection, and foster a connection with higher consciousness.

Reduced Negative Influence

Vastu aims to create a shield against negative energies. Following a few sleeping guidelines minimises exposure to detrimental influences, creating a protective barrier that contributes to a more positive and uplifting living environment.

Sleeping Position as per Vastu: Do’s and Don’ts


  1. Align your head in either the south or east direction while sleeping to tap into positive cosmic energies.
  2. Choose comfortable and clean bedding to promote relaxation and ensure a restful sleep.
  3. Keep the space under the bed open and clutter-free and maintain cleanliness and tidiness in the bedroom to promote positive energy flow.
  4. Maintain good bedroom ventilation for a fresh and positive atmosphere.
  5. Use soft and soothing lighting in the bedroom to create a calming ambience.
  6. Consider placing crystals like amethyst or rose quartz near the bed for positive energy.
  7. Opt for calming and earthy colours for bedroom decor to enhance a sense of tranquillity.
  8. Decorate the bedroom with artwork or imagery that promotes positivity and serenity.
  9. Repair or replace any broken or squeaky furniture in the bedroom to eliminate negative vibrations.


  1. Do not position your head towards the north, as it is believed to disrupt natural energy flow.
  2. Avoid placing mirrors facing the bed, as it is believed to disturb energy.
  3. Refrain from using metal beds, which may be considered conductive of unwanted energy.
  4. Avoid positioning the bed under an overhead beam, as it may create a sense of pressure.
  5. Avoid harsh or bright lighting in the bedroom, as it may disrupt the calming ambience.
  6. Avoid using dark or gloomy colours in bedroom decor, as they may create a sombre atmosphere.

Tips for Sound Sleep and Waking Up Early

By incorporating simple yet effective practices into your routine, you can enhance the quality of your sleep and greet each morning with renewed energy.

Follow a Sleep Schedule

The foundation of a good night’s sleep lies in maintaining a consistent bedtime and wake-up time. This regularity helps regulate your body’s internal clock, promoting a more restful and refreshing sleep. Importantly, adhere to this schedule even on weekends to reinforce the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

Roll to the Right Side

Adjusting your sleep position can make a notable difference in your sleep quality. Rolling to your right side is often recommended, as it can reduce instances of heartburn and acid reflux. This particular position is also beneficial for pregnant women, enhancing blood flow to the fetus. Experiment with various sleep positions to find the one that aligns most comfortably with your preferences and contributes to more restorative sleep.

Rub Your Palms Together

Incorporating a calming pre-sleep ritual can prepare your body and mind for rest. Rubbing your palms together generates warmth, promoting relaxation. Apply gentle pressure during this activity to release tension in your hands, which can have a soothing effect on your entire body. Combine this practice with focused breathing to enhance its calming effects, creating a serene transition into a peaceful night’s sleep.


Vastu for sleeping position:

Maintaining the right sleeping position is crucial in Vastu Shastra. The bed’s placement in the bedroom is pivotal, affecting energy flow. It is advised to position the bed in a way that the head faces south for overall well-being.

Importance of the right sleeping position as per Vastu:

A proper sleeping position is integral in Vastu, influencing various aspects of life. It contributes to physical health, mental peace, and overall prosperity. Aligning with Vastu guidelines for sleeping ensures a harmonious environment for rest and rejuvenation.

Guide to sleeping position as per Vastu:

Align your bed in the master bedroom towards the south or east to enhance sleep quality and positive energy. For couples, place the bed with the head towards the south, southeast, or southwest for a harmonious relationship. In children’s bedrooms, opt for the west direction, ensuring their heads face east or south to promote tranquillity and academic success.

Vastu tips for sleeping position:

  • Align the bed with the head towards the south for positive energy.
  • Avoid placing the bed under a beam, which may lead to health issues.
  • Ensure the bedroom is clutter-free to encourage a peaceful sleep environment.

Best sleeping positions as per Vastu:

Sleeping with your head in the south direction aligns with Vastu principles, promoting wealth, happiness, and positivity by harmonising with Earth’s magnetic field. This position enhances positive vibrations, eliminates negativity, and is recommended for quality sleep. Additionally, aligning the head towards the southeast is believed to ignite inner creativity, while the south or southwest direction is ideal for couples, fostering relaxation and positive energy for a harmonious relationship and overall well-being.

Positions to avoid while sleeping as per Vastu:

According to Vastu, sleeping with your head in the north direction is discouraged due to potential health issues from magnetic field influence. West direction is neutral but beneficial for business success. Vastu recommends eastward head placement for positive energy, especially for students and those with health concerns. Sleeping with your head in the northeast direction is cautioned, as it may disturb normal sleep patterns due to unsettling magnetic fields.

Benefits of right sleeping position as per Vastu:

Aligning the head towards the south is believed to contribute to a longer and healthier life, according to Vastu beliefs. The east is thought to enhance intellectual capabilities and cognitive functions.

Effects of negative sleeping position:

  • Mental sickness
  • Miserable day
  • Bad luck
  • Reduced life span
  • Drained energy
  • Decreased productivity

Advantages of adhering to Vastu guidelines for sleeping positions:

Following Vastu guidelines for sleeping positions offers a range of benefits, including enhanced health, improved sleep quality, positive energy flow, peace of mind, increased concentration, spiritual growth, and reduced negative influences.

Sleeping position as per Vastu: Do’s and Don’ts


  • Align bed with head towards south.
  • Keep the bedroom clutter-free.
  • Ensure proper ventilation for fresh air.


  • Avoid sleeping with your head towards the north.
  • Refrain from placing the bed under a beam.
  • Minimise the use of electronic devices in the bedroom, especially near the bed.

Tips for sound sleep and waking up early:

To ensure sound sleep and early waking, establish a consistent sleep schedule to regulate your internal clock. In Ayurveda, rolling to the right side upon waking activates bodily systems and aids digestion. Additionally, rubbing palms together generates heat and energy, contributing to wakefulness and alertness. Incorporating these practices enhances overall well-being and promotes a healthy sleep-wake cycle.


What is the Vastu for the sleeping position?

According to Vastu, the ideal sleeping position involves placing the head towards the south or east. This is believed to enhance positive energy flow and promote physical and mental well-being during sleep.

What are the Vastu tips for the sleeping position?

Vastu recommends avoiding placing the bed under a beam, opting for a solid wall behind the bed, and maintaining a clutter-free bedroom. These guidelines are designed to establish a serene and balanced sleep environment. Avoiding the influence of structural elements overhead, ensuring support from a sturdy wall, and decluttering contribute to fostering a positive energy flow, promoting restfulness, and enhancing overall well-being during sleep.

What is the importance of the right sleeping position as per Vastu?

Choosing the correct sleeping position, following Vastu principles, holds significant importance for overall well-being. The belief is that it plays a pivotal role in influencing the circulation of energy, thereby contributing to enhanced health, improved concentration, and a harmonious state of mind. Aligning oneself with Vastu-recommended sleeping positions is viewed as a holistic approach to promoting physical and mental balance, fostering a positive and rejuvenating sleep experience.

What are the ideal positions to sleep in as per Vastu?

In Vastu, optimal sleeping positions involve placing the bed with the head facing south or east. This alignment is thought to harmonise with the Earth’s magnetic field, fostering a positive energy flow during sleep. Vastu principles emphasize the significance of directional alignment to enhance overall well-being, and positioning the bed in this manner is believed to contribute to a more restful and rejuvenating sleep experience.

According to Vastu, in which position should the head be while sleeping?

According to Vastu principles, positioning the head towards the south while sleeping is thought to enhance sleep quality. This direction is believed to align with the Earth’s magnetic forces, positively impacting physical and mental health.

Which sleeping position must be avoided at all costs as per Vastu?

Due to perceived negative effects, Vastu advises against sleeping with the head towards the north. This position is thought to disrupt the body’s magnetic field, potentially leading to health issues and disturbed sleep.

Which position is best to sleep in the master bedroom in Vastu?

In the master bedroom, the best sleeping position, according to Vastu, is often with the head towards the south or east. This arrangement fosters positive energy flow and contributes to marital harmony.

What is the ideal position to sleep in for couples in Vastu?

For couples in Vastu, positioning the head towards the south, southeast, or southwest during sleep is recommended. This practice promotes unity and understanding between partners, contributing to a harmonious relationship.

What are the benefits of sleeping in the right position as per Vastu?

Sleeping in the right Vastu position includes improved physical health, enhanced concentration, and overall well-being. Aligning with Vastu principles during sleep is believed to influence various aspects of life positively.

What are the effects of wrong sleeping positions?

As per Vastu, wrong sleeping positions may result in health issues, disturbed sleep, and decreased energy levels.

Adhering to recommended sleeping directions is believed to mitigate these potential negative effects on well-being.

What are the dos and don’ts of sleeping position as per Vastu?

Do’s for Vastu-compliant sleeping include keeping the bedroom clean, positioning the bed correctly, and using soothing colours. Don’ts involve avoiding harsh or bright lighting, as it can disrupt tranquillity. Also, addressing negative vibrations by repairing or replacing broken or squeaky furniture, fostering a harmonious environment for relaxation.

What are the tips for sound sleep?

Ensure sound sleep by sticking to a consistent sleep schedule and regulating your body’s internal clock for improved well-being. According to Ayurveda, rolling to the right side after waking activates bodily systems and aids digestion. Additionally, rubbing palms together generates heat and energy, fostering wakefulness and alertness for a refreshed start.